Data Structures
AVL balanced search tree
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Main method includes text output testing different scenarios and compares expected output against program output.
Hash Table Implementation
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This is a hash table program designed to store key and value pairs in a hash table
structure. This table utilizes buckets to handle collisions. The buckets are stored as
an array list, and within each bucket, a list framework is used with a head node that
has a variable next, pointing to the next node.
Graph Implementation
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This program builds a graph from a list of given courses and corresponding prerequisite courses.
In the graph created, each course is a vertex and if a directed edge exists between two courses,
one is the prerequisite of another.
B+ Tree
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Implementation of a B+ tree to allow efficient access to many different indexes of a large data set.
Used as part of a larger program for searching a food database and creating saved meals.
Compiler Implementation
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This program implements a compiler for a fictional programming language. The compiler includes
a scanner, parser, name and type analysts, and the generation of relevant assembly code.